116 words
1 minutes
Vertical tabs guide for Firefox
No Tags
  • Install addons:
    • Tree Style Tabs.
    • (Optional) Tab Session Manager.
  • Enable vertical tabs by toggling the Tree Style Tabs icon from toolbar.

Tree Style Tabs#

  • Referred theme: Proton.
  • (Optional) Disable tree functionality:
    1. Right-click on the addon icon in the toolbar.
    2. Select “Tab opened from Existing Tab”.
    3. Select “No control” for all options.
  • (Optional) Hide native tabs: Follow this link.

Tab Session Manager#

  • (Optional) Enable support for Tree Style Tabs to save tabs’ state:
    1. Left-click on the addon icon in the toolbar and click the settings icon in the top right corner.
    2. Select “Settings” tab.
    3. Check “Supports Tree Style Tab”.
  • (Optional) Enable cloud sync:
    1. Left-click on the addon icon in the toolbar and click the settings icon in the top right corner.
    2. Select Settings tab.
    3. In the “Cloud sync” section, enable “Enable cloud sync” and check “Automatically sync”.